Sunday, 2 August 2009

Free microsoft hardware from support

Spotted this one a while ago, did not know if I should post it as its sort of touching on the illegal side!. However, I will let you decide if its something you would like to try!

1. Goto PC World, locate a Microsoft product that you would like for free.
2. Jot down the PID off the box
3. Contact Microsoft, tell them your product is not working as expected - broken, tried to return it and was unable to. (Im sure you can word this in such a way as to make it legal!)
4. Give them the PID
5. Microsoft customer support should send you a free replacement one to fix your problem!

Now this does invlove a bit of deception and thats what I wont be following this one through myself. Makes for an intresting read I thought, so thats why I posted it.

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