My skill gaming news!
Well, its been quite an awesome time for me in the world of skill gaming (aka my mini project on this blog). Only this week, I managed to bag myself a spot in the knock out rounds of the worldwinner w3 $100,000 tournament. It wasn't just any old spot either, it was the 1st place!. Have a look at the following picture to see what I mean!

That's a picture of me (shagwana) getting the 1st place slot in the qualifying round with only 3 odd min's left before qualifying closed!!. It was a right "Indiana Jones hat under the closing door" moment!.
This is an event were there is a week long qualifying round that only 32 people go through to a 5 round knockout. Each person in the knock out plays best of three and the winner proceeds to the next round. Prizes for the 32 who qualify range from $250 (last) to $30,000 (1st). All qualifier's will get a slice of the total prize fund depending on the finishing location in the competition.
And the news on the finishing position of myself is!...

3rd Place!!!
That's my biggest individual win yet, totaling $7,500! (around £5,000). Next year when this tournament comes around again I plan on being 1st!. Between now and then I have a lot of practicing to do.
Update on winnings
On another note, I felt it about time to give an update about my efforts in the skill gaming world. So have a look at this picture for proof of payment on the winnings I have received.

That's right, an whole shed load of money!. For more information on how I managed to make this, please see this previous post. Of notes on the above payment image, is the old name for, as you might notice I play a lot more on worldwinner then I do on other sites. The main reason for this is because it is simply more profitable!. I have also made a bit of money out of some other sites, that dont pay through paypal, so are not included in the above screenshot. GameDuell has payed me via moneybrokers.
Only over the last 8 months or so, my ability has really started to shine - sometimes I can get very high scores and it just seem to flow a lot smoother now then it has ever done. You can take that as proof in the pudding that practice does indeed make perfect!.
I am now actively trying to win the most amount of money for the least amount of time playing. In my mind, there is little to no point playing for 8hrs solid if you only make 50 notes, when I can play for 1hr and make 25!, I consider my spare time quite valuable (also to boot, the girlfriend would probably start nagging if I wasted my time like that!).
Other skill news
- World winner has a twitter page!, the link to this can be found right here. If your serious about playing games for profit, this is a must read.
- New skill gaming site (that I have yet to play on) is skill addiction. The thing that's different about this site, is its run by an existing skill gamer!. The owner is active on the forums.
- has become the center of all off site skill gaming news for all those who care!. Filled with controversial information and lively debate from other well known skill game players. If you need tips on how to play, then these are the people who can help you.
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